Monday, January 12, 2015

Five ways that five minutes can change your life

      We all have the same amount of time in a day, yet we often confuse being busy with being productive or meaningful. Time management is some thing we hear about, and it seems people just want to find ways to do more and then wonder why they are so tired, stressed, and worn out.
        Here is a short list of things we can do in 5 minutes that will yield short and long term benefits.

1. Five minutes of gratitude. Before you even get out of bed in the morning, you can start each day with focusing your mind on the good things you have in life. If you need help with that you can begin with being grateful for a bed to sleep in, a roof over your head, running water, electricity, being able to stand on two feet, and clean air to breath, and breath itself is also a plus.

2. Five minutes of traffic mantras.  On your way to work or any time during traffic you can spend time saying out load some of your favorite mantras or quotes. If you really want to get creative start singing them. Nothing like passing time rocking out to your own version of what gets you in a state of mind that is relaxed and able to not be swayed by what is going on around you. If you don't believe me just try beat boxing like a rapper, or singing them like an opera singer. You will laugh at yourself, then look in the mirror and say out loud, "yes, I alone am responsible for my happiness".

3. Five minutes to make some ones day. It doesn't take long to make some ones day, and it is usually simple things that can go along way to accomplish this. It can be simple as making a lunch for a coworker, thanking a person for their customer service, giving a few compliments a day. Endless options. Just start looking for easy ways to make some ones day, and think about the small things that would make yours as ideas for things to do for others.

4. Five minutes of stretching. Very few people spend any time thinking of the constant imbalance we put our body in on a daily basis, yet will invest money getting our car aligned and blow off our body daily. Of coarse I highly recommend more than 5 minutes, but this is a good start. Never stretch cold muscles. Simply walking in place or doing some arm circles is an easy way to get ready.

5. Five minutes of sun and silence. As we become an population attached to constant entertainment, news, and information we seldom take time to unplug and enjoy simplicity. Make a way to enjoy the sunrise or sunset with no noise or outside distraction. Focus on the beginning of day, or end of one. Realizing each is a gift.

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